Volunteers help with the construction of staircase at VanHook Falls
You Need to Know
The STA entered into a written agreement with the Daniel Boone National Forest as an authorized trail maintaining group. To review this document, click HERE.
The STA and its affiliated Chapters will help design, build, maintain, and relocate trails, install and maintain trail signs, and maintain trailhead structures in accordance with FSH-2309.18, Trails Management Handbook, which can be viewed HERE if desired.
All trail maintenance and construction activities must meet FSH 6709.11 Health and Safety Code Handbook requirements.
Click Here to download and view the Health and Safety Code Handbook if desired.
Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment will be used while performing trail work. The STA will issue you PPE if required.
Crew leaders will conduct, document, and report a tailgate safety session prior to engaging in work, to include the relevant Job Hazard Analyses (JHA’s.)
Download the Volunteer Trail Maintainer Application
Complete and email back to the STA at director@sheltoweetrace.org or mail to STA P.O. Box 360, Livingston, KY 40445
Download the STA mandatory annual Release of Liability HERE.
Complete and email back to the STA at director@sheltoweetrace.org or mail to STA P.O. Box 360, Livingston, KY 40445
The Volunteer Trail Maintainer Path
Each year thousands of hours of volunteer time go into keeping the Trace open and accessible for everyone. You can help by becoming a volunteer trail maintainer. There are a couple steps you need to complete before you can hit the trail.
Volunteers maybe called on to complete basic trail maintenance like, weed eating, replacing signs and blazes, improving the trail tread, building bridges and other infrastructure. To ensure you experience is a safe one, we are required to make sure you are briefed on the procedures we must use to conduct trail work.
So, if you are interested, lets proceed down the volunteer trail maintainer path.
First complete the STA Trail Volunteer application at the link provided.
Second complete the STA Release of Liability at the link provided.
Third, attend the Spring or Summer or Fall volunteer orientation. The STA operates within the Daniel Boone National Forest under a 5-year agreement. That agreement requires us to make sure our volunteers understand the role of a trail maintenance volunteer and comply with the policies and rules of the Forest Service. Currently, in March we will hold 4 separate opportunities for you to complete this orientation online using Zoom. You only have to attend one session which should last no more than an hour. Click HERE to register for one of the March, 2022 sessions.
Fourth, after you have completed this process you are ready to join a trail crew, maybe do some clearing of the trail on your own.
Remember, trail work can be strenuous requiring you to be able to walk several miles, carrying your personal gear like, snacks, water, and your tools for the job. Each project is different so while one may not work you maybe able to help us on another.
Reporting Procedures
Reporting your volunteer work and hours is the last step in the work of the volunteer or volunteer crew leader. Your efforts, combined with many others will help the DBNF in its request for support for trails in the future.
Individual volunteers, group volunteers, Adopt-A-Trail Volunteers must forward the 301b form and the Tailgate Safety sign-in sheet to the STA Trails Volunteer Coordinator, Denise Combs. Email the forms to denise.comb54@gmail.com . If you prefer to mail the forms, send them to STA P.O. Box 360, Livingston, Ky 40445. Click HERE to download 301b form.
Summary of Steps for Trail Volunteers
Read the information above, the Adopt-A-Trail program overview PDF, and the Trail Volunteer Orientation presentation.
Sign and send the Release of Liability Waiver to:
director@sheltoweetrace.org or mail to P.O. Box 6530, Florence, KY 41042Sign and send the Volunteer Trail Maintenance Application to: director@sheltoweetrace.org or mail it to P.O. Box 6530, Florence, KY 41042
Text a simple message to these three numbers on the day of planned volunteer work, and before entering the forest (or area with poor signal coverage):
606-308-0625 / 606-776-0812 / and 859-699-6801
Message examples: Your name, and something simple like “beginning work on the Boone at ……..” or “starting work with 3 of us at …….”Text a simple message to the same three phone numbers when your volunteer work is completed and you’re safely back to your vehicles with something like: “back to our vehicles with no issues or incidents.”
Report your volunteer work by filling out the 301b form (along with the tailgate safety sign-in sheet) and sending it to the STA Trails Volunteer Coordinator, Denise Combs by email at denise.comb54@gmail.com
or by mail at: ATTN: Denise Combs, STA P.O. Box 6530, Florence, KY 41042.