Hiker Challenge
343 Miles. 11 Months. 1 Epic Adventure.
Registration for the 2025 Hiker Challenge is now open. Click the link below to register.
What is the Hiker Challenge?
Take 343 miles, the current length of the Trace, divide those miles by 12, and then walk that distance once a month and you have the Challenge. The goal is to hike the entire Trace from end to end over 1 year. Each month, multiple opportunities are planned for you to join a team of like-minded adventurers on a Saturday and Sunday hike of the Trace. To keep the miles at a level everyone can complete and find somewhat enjoyable, we have added one more hike to make it 12 hikes over 11 months.
Saturday shuttle meet up times are usually early in the morning so we encourage participants more than 3 hours away from the shuttle pick up point to consider coming in on Friday night and grabbing a local hotel, campground, or spot in the woods to avoid a long drive before dawn. On the first Saturday in December, we all come together at the Gathering to share some stories and celebrate those who have completed through the Challenge or section / thruhiked the Trace and become End to Enders.
The history of the Hiker Challenge dates back to the earlier years of the STA. During a weekend hike out to Furnace Arch, south of Clear Creek, Steve Barbour, Executive Director of the STA, and members Dave Dummer and Mike Campbell from Morehead were forced to stop at the Arch to get out of the pouring rain. While sitting around that evening, Dave Dummer mentioned the idea of hiking a piece of the Trace, one weekend a month for 11 months and calling it the Hiker Challenge. The rest is history.
Over 550 participants have completed the Challenge. Enthusiasm is still strong as each January a fresh group of backpackers (and a few who have already completed the Challenge) arrives at the starting point.
Registration for the 2025 Hiker Challenge Is Open
Registration for the 14th Annual Hiker Challenge, hosted by the Sheltowee Trace Association opens November 1st online. There is a mandatory $35.00 registration fee to join the Challenge. A link to register is posted here and on our social media pages. The dates for each month’s hike are listed in the schedule which is available for download HERE. In 2025 we will be hiking South to North, starting at Burnt Mill Bridge. Start - stop points are still being decided. The schedule will be updated by December 21st.
2025 Participation Costs
The Hiker Challenge offers shuttle services for every hike. There will also be a support vehicle to aid in occasional trail magic. The STA volunteers will give clear directions and instructions for every section. January to April a "5-pound-drop" is in effect in order to lighten the load in the months where one's pack would be heavier. Along with these services, the hiker challenge offers the opportunity to meet like-minded people and make new friends. Constant Contact, the online event management service we use charges you a small addition fee for registering through them. If you prefer to register an alternate way, and send payment, please contact Steve at 606 308 0625.
Pre-Hiker Challenge Registration Membership Fee: $35
Monthly 2 or 3 -Day Weekend (2023) $50 (Per Weekend)
1-Day Only (2023) $25 (Per Day)
We offer a 2-day (Saturday-Sunday) one night hike and a 3-day (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 2 night hike that goes out on Friday afternoon with shorter mileage each day.
Required Orientation Sessions
To have your questions answered, to meet fellow participants, and to improve the odds of your completing the challenge, we have set up orientation sessions at multiple locations across the region. We also offer online sessions as well. Waivers can be requested by marking “Request a Waiver” on the Registration form. They are available for past end to enders and those with extensive backpacking experiences.
Orientation sessions are open to everyone, registered participants and those just looking for more information before making your decision. Sessions are in-person and via Zoom.
Orientation Schedule for 2025 Hiker Challenge:
Quest Outdoor Store - Tuesday, December 10th from 5:30 to 6:30 4600 Shelbyville Rd. Suite 133 Louisville Ky 40207
J & H Lexington - Tuesday, December 17th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Roads Rivers and Trails - January 3rd - 6:30 to 8:30 Milford, OH 118 Main Street.
Zoom Orientation - 7 January, 7:30 to 8:30 Eastern Time
Registered? Next Steps!
Click the button below to review, download, print, and email or mail the Release of Liability / Media Release to director@sheltoweetrace.org or mail to Sheltowee Trace Association, P.O. Box 6530, Florence KY 41042.
Review the Gear List example. This list will help you prepare for your weekends on the Trace. Pay close attention to the required gear for the winter months. You do not have to send this list in or turn it in. It is for your use.
Send, by text, or email your picture to Steve, the Challenge Coordinator, at 606. 308.0625 with your name. Email is director@sheltoweetrace.org. This will help him and other Challenge leaders to begin to put names to faces. A serious task when we have a large number of registrants.
Visit our online store and purchase the guidebook, a set of maps and/or the Far Out mapping app (the official mapping app of the STA).
Pick an Orientation session. You have a greater chance of completing the Challenge if you attend an Orientation session. They are set up across the region, some in-person, some online through Zoom.
Take a moment and review the STA Code of Conduct, please. The Code describes our expectations of participants and what you should expect from us. If you have questions, please let us know.
This is an STA member program, so your $35.00 fee is for your membership. This is a requirement of our insurance provider, and we think it is valuable to you and us. The Event provider will charge you a small fee and $35.00. If you are not comfortable with paying online, click pay by check and send your check in to STA P.O. Box 6530, Florence, KY 41022.
If you have questions now, feel free to contact us by text, email, or give us a call. The month-to-month schedule is being finalized and will be posted here and linked on our social media pages. We have a separate page just for the Hiker Challenge program on Facebook. Here is the link 2025 STA Hiker Challenge.
Links and Paperwork
Frequently Asked Questions
2025 ALL TEAMS , 2 - Day and 3-day Monthly Hike Schedule Updated 14 December. Ale 8 is the official soft drink of the 2025 Hiker Challenge. We thank them for their support.
Waiver - Release of Liability
Gear Checklist
Code of Conduct
Natural Bridge State Park - Overnight Parking Permit
Leave No Trace: The Sheltowee Trace Association supports Leave No Trace principles, including minimizing the environmental impact of travel and camping, disposing of waste properly or packing it out, leaving natural objects as you find them, using stoves for cooking, limiting campfires to a single small campfire where permitted, respecting wildlife, storing food and garbage securely and being courteous to other visitors. Please do your part and help us keep the Trace, open, accessible, and free of debris and litter. Thanks
Planning for the 2025 Hiker Challenge
What can you do to prepare for 2025? First look at your gear and compare what you have with the Gear Checklist provided here. Backpacking gear can be expensive. Don't scrimp if at all possible. What you purchase must fit, must hold your gear, must last for 11 months or 22 days in the snow, freezing cold, extreme heat, and lots of wet conditions. Most importantly, think about how you can reduce, reduce your total pack weight. If you are purchasing gear, we encourage you to visit a local Outfitter and try things on. In Lexington, we recommend J&H Outfitters. In Cincinnati, we recommend Roads, Rivers, and Trails in Milford and REI. In Louisville we recommend with Quest. Most of the big box stores will not have a variety of items. If you prefer to purchase online, there there are many sites with excellent gear direct from the manufacturer.
Beyond gear, start walking. Just a little each week or each day will get you ready. If you have never carried a pack with weight, start with small amounts of weight and build. Build miles without pack and miles with the pack. If you can and we have space, sign up for one day of hiking with one of the Teams in the 2023 Challenge.
Ask for advice on our Facebook pages or other hiking groups. Hundreds of our fans and friends can give you good solid advice and may even have some gear you can try out before you buy.